This Sabisensuji was originally designed and produced by Masahiro Mori in the 1960s. Created in the Japanese wa style, it realises a beautiful Japanese wabi-sabi theme. After many requests from Mori fans, Hakusan recently started reproducing the Sabisensuji.
The beautiful fine curves (sensuji-bori) and texture of the rustic lines ensure the style is timeless, yet it evokes nostalgia among Japanese. The contrast of the lustrous white porcelain and rust coloured texture are not only visually attractive but are also interesting to the touch.
Material: Porcelain
Producer: Hakusan Porcelain
Designed by: Masahiro Mori
Made in Hasami City, Nagasaki, Japan
Hakusan Porcelain
Hakusan Porcelain Co, Ltd. was founded in 1779 in Hasami, Nagasaki Prefecture, and has existed in its current form since 1958.
The city of Hasami has a 400-year tradition of ceramic production and many companies are still active there, mainly producing teacups and teapots. The local porcelain is renowned for its translucence and whiteness. Led by designer Masahiro Mori, Hakusan has been the leading porcelain producer in post-war Japan. The company has a long history of producing high-quality porcelain products and has been awarded such honours as the “Good Design” and “Long Life Design” prizes. Hakusan porcelain exemplifies the simple elegance of Japanese design.