CIBI Recipe: How to make Tamago-yaki (Japanese Omelette)

CIBI Recipe: How to make Tamago-yaki (Japanese Omelette)

Tamago-yaki is cooked in a special square pan that gives it a rectangular shape. We use a 15×15 cm (6×6 in) pan. Each Japanese family has a different recipe for this omelette, but this is simple and easy to make. It's a lot of fun, so enjoy it!

Makes 1 roll

  • 3 eggs
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 tablespoon sugar
  • 1/2 tablespoon mirin
  • 1/2 tablespoon olive oil
  • maki-su (bamboo sheet for sushi rolls, optional)

1. In a bowl, combine eggs, sugar and mirin. Beat the eggs with saibashi (chopsticks).

2. Heat olive oil in a tamago-yaki pan over medium heat. Once the pan is hot, pour one-third of the egg mixture into the pan.

Once the egg has almost cooked, roll and fold it over onto itself and push it over to the side of the pan. If the pan is dry, add a little more oil. 

3. Add another third of the egg mixture to the pan. Once its

surface starts to cook, roll the first cooked egg portion over the

new addition until you have a small egg roll. Repeat with the

rest of the egg mixture, rolling the new add-ons over the

growing egg roll.

4. Remove the egg roll from the pan and set it aside to cool.

If you have a bamboo sheet, roll it around the egg to help it keep its shape.

5. Once tamago-yaki has cooled, slice it into 2-3cm thick pieces.


Kobo Aizawa Copper Egg Omelette Pan
Kobo Aizawa Copper Egg Omelette Pan - CIBI Kobo Aizawa

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