These iconic sake glasses were designed by renowned industrial designer Sori Yanagi for the Japan Sake and Shochu Makers Association. These elegant glasses have a rounded rim that allows for maximum taste. The glass has an overturned bell shape that is playful yet sophisticated just like many of Yanagi's designs. The solid narrow base is designed to prevent the heat from hands from reaching the drink and the wide rounded rim is intended for the drinker to experience the full flavour of the sake/spirit.
"When designing a sake glass at the request of the Japan Sake and Shochu Makers Association, I paid the most attention to expressing the image of a sake glass. Especially in the case of a sake glass, unlike a wine glass, anyone must see that this is a glass for sake. After about two years of hard work, this sake glass was completed under various requirements such as Japanese style, simplicity, freshness, and of course ease of use. It would be best if it becomes familiar to many people and is widely used as soon as possible."
- Sori Yanagi
70ml: Ø56mm x 65mm
125ml: Ø68mm x 78mm
Materials: Soda-lime glass
Made in Japan